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Thursday, February 25, 2010


I am sure many of you are familiar with this term. Faith is defined as confident belief in an idea, the substance of things HOPED for. Work is described as physical effort directed towards production. This passage from the 2nd chapter of the book of James says so much with 5 words. How can one expect to accomplish anything without a physical effort towards production. The answer to that question is obvious, they can expect it, but in reality there is not much of a chance that it will come into fruition. Belief is a powerful tool, but it is unfortunately not enough. Many people were excited by the campaign and the fight of getting Barrack Obama elected, many people have been energized or motivated into the political process. It can also be said that many people resumed their previous positions back on the sideline. Many people thought that because he won, that change has come. Well change has come, but winning the election as joyous and momentous as it was , is only the beginning. How can we expect the president that we voted for to accomplish the goals that were set forth if we are not involved. In the Presidents acceptance speech he used the words WE more than 40 times. Why because WE are the people that he is trying to serve. It is not possible or probable for him to do it alone. He was elected by millions of people, millions of people who took a pledge to not only vote for change but to work for it! There goes that word again. People it is time to get off of the couch, turn the TV off, log out of Facebook or Twitter, and take back our communities. Have you ever attended a city council meeting? Do you know how or where they spend the tax dollars that you pay? The people in Washington are their because someone voted them there. They all represent a community or town just like the one you live in. Have you ever met your representatives, have you ever called their office, or wrote a letter of concern? This race that we are in, will not be won by watching from the sidelines. It can only be won by lending a hand and support to the runners. Barrack Obama ran a campaign on Change, Healthcare, Ending the Iraq war, Fiscal Responsibility, reducing Earmarks, helping the middle class, helping the common man. Who has ever on a national scale ever thought about helping you? We have people who talk a good game, but he's walking it. He has healthcare, he don’t need it, he has money he's not after yours, but what he is after is your time and commitment to Change The work has just begun, and we need all of you proud supporters back in the ranks. My ask of you is that you attend a city council meeting. I ask that you Google who your representatives are and than email them these words. How can I help you help our president? It may be with a dollar, but I promise you giving up some time will be twice as valuable. We have made it this far, but we have a lot further to go. You can say what you want and Hope for the best, but if we are not putting forth physical effort towards productivity, than we are not doing our part.

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