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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cutting the Deficit should be Simple Mathematics

I remember when I was younger, a loaf of bread was $1.00, I recall buying a 16oz soda pop, and a Tastykake w/ a single dollar and getting back change. The change was $.10 but it was change. Over the last few years we have seen our cell phone bills rise, along w/ the cost to heating our home.  The biggest and probably most drastic change we have seen was in gasoline prices.  Gas has jumped from $1.50/gallon to upwards of $4/gallon.  When the cost of yesterday goes up today, we chalk up to inflation, we bicker, reminisce and get on with our lives. Do you think Pepsi Cola considered what would happen when then had to raise prices, I'm sure they did, but guess what if people want to drink pepsi they will pay. Revisiting gas prices, people still drove to work, and wherever they had to go, being mindful of the price and trying to save when possible, but the point of it all, is they still drove, people still brought cars, and people still paid for gasoline.  Airlines charged surcharges, and began to charge for luggage, delivery companies charged a surcharge, and it became business as usual.  Business understand that if the cost of providing a product or service requires more than in turn I must charge more.  Businesses get the concept it is simple mathematics.

With all that being said, how can someone say raising taxes will hurt growth, or cripple the economy, when in fact the people that are fighting to not increase prices, are the same ones increasing prices.  In order for America to get its debt under control, they must do two things, cut excess spending, and raise taxes. These taxes that we pay go to roads, public safety, national defense, safe water and food, they also go to pay social security, medicare & medicaid. The fact that our tax rates are equivalent to those of the 1950's really. Isn't that the same as me demanding that I  $.50 for a loaf of bread that I know costs more than a dollar.  The job creators have not and will create a job because it is the right thing to do, so saying that it will stifle growth is absurd, if you have a demand for extra employees than you will hire them.  Its amazing that they can see it when it benefits them, but not when it benefits the country.  This is our country, we all have a vested stake in its prosperity. 

There are definitely places that deserve cuts, like subsidies to fuel companies, farmers, and if the government will help to create new medicine, than they should be apart of the profit that new medicine gets. 

I have so much in my head right now that I can not get it all out so Im gonna take a break from this for now, I welcome all feedback. Thank you for your time.